Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goals, skills, and Everything Else

I first began writing movie scripts when I was in 6th grade. From then on I knew I wanted to do something with movies. I used describe writing these scripts as if I were already watching it live. Movies are my passion and my life. I would be very content with watching movies all day if only I could get paid to so.

One of my top goals is to become very familiar with many different types of cameras and know everything there is about what I can do with them. Over the summer I had the opportunity to be on set of an R & B music video that gave me the feel of what it would be like in production. I am not quite sure that production is exactly the track I want to take, but I do enjoy this side of film. At the beginning of the summer I took a class called Digital Storytelling where we basically got to create a small documentary type film. I really enjoyed doing this part of production because it was my story and my vision entirely. I also enjoy editing, however I don’t believe that editing is my main track I want to do either. I really just love doing a little bit of everything and learning how it all works and what all you can do with resources that you have.
 One of my favorite things that I have learned so far is how to analyze the different aspects of movies. I find it very interesting about the rule of thirds, and the reasoning behind why they do certain things with the shots. I also like learning how to look for things they sneak into a movie to make you have a certain kind of emotion.
In conclusion if I still continue to be indecisive, I know for sure that I would want to be a film critic, screenwriter or a movie trailer editor. Those would be my three main goals as of right now. 

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